A business card is noramlly all you have when you meet that potential customer. Does your card look cheap? Does it look like you printed it at home? Is this what you want your customer to view how you do business? The business card is probably the most important item to have with you to make that first impression.
We never desing your card to look like any other business card. We can make it glossy, matte, rounded corners, foiled, imbossed and many more. Tired of seeing the same old desing with every card you pick up, then let us make that perfect card to give you to give you the best impact.
We will take care of you from start to finish.
Let Next Level be your source for all your business card needs. We can always work with your budget whether you need something economical or high end we always produce great business cards that will help your business grow and keep you coming back for more.
Color: Full color (4/0 or 4/4)
Resolution: All artwork should be at a 300dpi resolution
Bleed: Please allow 1/8" bleed around your artwork
Safe Area: Please keep all important content 1/8" from the trim edge
Paper: Please select high quality Gloss or Matte
Product Details

Be Creative, Say it with a Postcard.
Do you want to stay in front of potential customers on a regular basis? Then postcards are the way to do it. Advertise a special event, send a wedding save-the-date, birthday announcement, concert or fundraiser. There are so many differnet way to make an announcement and postcard make it easy and cost effective.
Direct Mail them...or Pass them out.
Color: Full color (4/0 or 4/4)
Resolution: All artwork should be at a 300dpi
Stock: Premium gloss stock
Quantity: Minimum 500 - 50,000
Product Details
Available Postcard Sizes:
5.5" x 8.5"
8.5" x 5.5"
6" x 9"
9" x 6"
6" x 11"
11" x 6"

What does your first impression look like
Direct Mailing works great for advertising your products or events. We can help you pick a demographic to go after from the list preperation right down to the postage. People think that postage is very expensive and they are right it can be so let us show you several ways to mail that postcard for less than half the normal rate.